Whether it's SEED or SERIES $$ , your deck must have the following:
Vision : One sentence is going to define the future of you & your Startup. Investor's are interested to know what's your limit & plan for next 10-20 years. Vision must be clearly defined, no IF's & BUT's
Problem : Keep it short, sweet & simple. Again try to put it in just one sentence that clearly makes an investor understand if you have good idea of the problem faced by the prospect users/customers in this vertical.
Solution : Your solution to the problem must be precise & must clearly address the root cause of the Problem. Investors are more likely to gain confidence in you if you put it all together in just one sentence.
Market Analysis : Tell the investor about the Market through its sizing. The TAM (Total Available Market), SAM (Servicable Available Market), SOM (Servicable Obtainable Market). Use Charts, Graphs etc., less words.
Competitors & Competitive Analysis : Present this section in a QUADRANT CHART. Place your STARTUP in this chart in a way that it clearly tells the investors where your Startup Stands among your competitors.
Business Model : How you are going to make money ? Tell the investors "NOT IN WORDS" but through ELEMENTS or DESIGN. Keep it Minimal ! It'd be better to have only ONE ELEMENT in this slide.
Traction : Put together all of the NUMBERS that your Startup Business has GAINED. No Projections but only the Numbers achieved. If you are raising $$ at MVP Stage then the numbers from MVP VALIDATION ACTIVITY.
Team : Tell the investor about who the founder is, who the co-founder(s) is/are, who are the mentors & advisors. Also the other memebers of the team & their expertise. Must use pictures of all of the members.
The Ask : Tell the investor how much funds $$ you are looking for ? how long will this $$ suffice ? how are you planning to use these funds (in a pie chart) ? What's the business valuation (Pre & Post) ? How much equity you are offering ? If you have raised funds $$ earlier then the round & the value ?
Remember, Investor has to scan the pitch deck in a minute. Pitch Deck is the reflection of what you want to tell the investor in a 1 hour meeting, through just a couple of slides that must be readable within a minute.
